Lawyers Why New Years Resolutions Won’t Work in 2021

Pamela DeNeuve
2 min readJan 5, 2021


Many attorneys are wistful for a turn of events in 2021. They think if they think positive that things will change and the foreboding. Here a few strategies I’ve heard.

Lester wrote an elaborate business plan. He is excited about what the new year will bring after a very difficult 2020.

Annie cleaned her desk completely so that she can start fresh. She says, “ I was tired of all of these stacks of paper that were going nowhere.

Phillip wrote a list of goals he really wanted to accomplish in 2021.

Beth wrote a list of affirmations and bought several books to inspire her to have a stellar year overcoming any difficulties.

THE PROBLEM: While I believe all of these strategies are great there is something missing. These actions do not acknowledge two important facts.

1. We are like machines and creatures of habits.

2. If you don’t get a clear vision and understanding of what is the thing that sabotages your best intentions, you are setting yourself up for more of the same.

3. Without taking a clear snapshot about what happened last year.

a. Understanding what worked.

b. Reviewing what did not work.

c. Acknowledging failures

d. Facing your strengths and weaknesses.

CLEAR THE WRECKAGE OF YOUR PAST: Enlist the eyes and ears of someone you trust who can review last year, then build your plan based on a very informed perspective. This will provide the foundation for a fabulous 2021.

